Fetch Usage Report


Retrieve usage statistics for task executions.

This endpoint provides detailed usage data about task runs, including:

  • Number of executions over time
  • Success and failure rates
  • Usage patterns by time period
  • Aggregated metrics by day or week

Use this data to:

  1. Monitor task usage patterns
  2. Track execution success rates
  3. Analyze usage trends
  4. Plan capacity and scaling

Path parameters


The unique identifier of the organization.


The unique identifier of the project.


The specific Task to reference.

Query parameters

aggregationenumOptionalDefaults to day

The aggregation level for the report. Can be either ‘day’ or ‘week’.

Allowed values: weekday


Successful Response

task_idstringformat: "uuid"

The unique identifier of the Task.

date_rangemap from strings to any

The time range for the report, with start and end timestamps.

Allowed values: dayweek

The time interval for data aggregation. ‘day’ shows last 24 hours in hourly blocks, ‘week’ shows last 7 days in daily blocks.

task_revisionslist of objects

Usage data broken down by task revision, showing invocation counts for each active revision.

total_countsmap from strings to integers

Total number of task invocations for each time interval across all revisions.


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